Besides Mexico, this jet-setter just returned from an exciting whirlwind trip to Chicago. Hunter's family lives in a quaint village outside of the city, and when we visit, we usually stick to the 'burbs. But this time, we ventured not once, but twice into the city and had a blast doing so!
We started our trip at a Cubs game celebrating my brother in law and future sister in law, Andrew & Kaci. They literally got engaged about an hour after our arrival in Chicago, so to head to see the Cubs and celebrate was a special treat! And, the Cubs won! Hooray!
Even though the Cubs game was a ton of fun, I have to say that the highlight of my trip was getting a behind the scenes tour of the Lyric's Civic Opera House. Located on iconic North Wacker, the opera house seats 3,500 people, boasts no sound system, and is quite easily one of the most beautiful buildings I've ever seen. The ceilings are ornately decorated, and the views from the stage are breathtaking.
We learned all kinds of fascinating things about the theater, too. Like the fact that it's shaped like a megaphone to make incredible acoustics and that a light is always left on in the theater, no matter what (called a ghost light because from far away, it looks like an apparition). And don't even get me started on the costumes. They were beautiful (and heavy!).
If you're headed to Chicago soon, make sure to put a trip to the Lyric on your itinerary. I can't promise an extensive backstage tour like we had, but I can promise a wonderful experience. Plan to have a drink across the street at the Trump Tower and then enjoy a night at the opera; I am sure you won't regret it!
Special thanks to my MIL, Jan, for arranging this tour, as well as Jessie, our incredible tour-guide who let us ask him endless questions...and didn't mind one bit!
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