I hope y'all don't mind a few more posts about interiors because they are very much on my mind. As the renovation nears its final days, I'm on the hunt for treasures to fill it with. Yesterday, I came across Huger Memories and was reminded, once again, how home decor is meant to be full of memories and a little fun, too.
Huger Memories was started by interior designer Sarah Gibson Wiley. With a talent for embroidery and an eye for design, Sarah takes family portraits and photos and turns them into beautiful embroidered works of art. From your family pup to your family home, Sarah is creating gorgeous embroidery.
Most recently, Sarah added a line of pillows called Women We Love. These pillows feature the faces of some of history's most notorious first ladies, style icons, and glamour gals. Essentially, they showcase all of the women we love and admire. I. Am. Obsessed. with these pillows. I love that they're truly embracing the lost art of embroidery while capturing the spirit of some pretty phenomenal women. I hope to add one to one of our rooms once the renovation is complete. I'm partial to Princess Diana and Jackie O, but I also saw a sneak peek of Coco Chanel that I just don't think I can pass up. I can't wait to see what other women are added to the series. I'm secretly pulling for Dolly Parton or Judy Garland. I think it'd be fabulous to see Scarlet O'Hara, too...even though she's fictional.
I think what I love most about these pillows is that they are vibrant and full of life. They are a work of art and a conversation starter. Gah. I love them.
If you were going to choose a Women We Love pillow, which would you get?
P.S. This is not a sponsored post. I just LOVE these pillows!
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