Good morning! First of all, I have to say Happy First Day of School to all of my teacher friends headed back to the grind today. Here's to new beginnings, new students, and a new school year! It's still weird for me not to be going back to school (but in the best way possible). We spent a relaxing weekend at home doing house research and watching a lot of the Olympic coverage. Are you guys watching? I couldn't take my eyes off of gymnastics last night; it's my favorite event, hands down. This is our last weekend together at home for a while due to a lot of traveling and other obligations, so it was nice to be low key. I'm excited for the week ahead working on some fun collaborations, getting a ton of work done, and hitting the road for the weekend. Let's make it a good one!
Favorite Links and Happenings
Last week, I discovered The Players Tribune. Founded by Derek Jeter, it's basically an online blog for professional athletes to write about their lives, games, opinions, etc. So fascinating! And they're great writers! I really enjoyed reading about Matt Kemp's recent trade to Atlanta written from his perspective.
I would be remiss not to talk about Instagram stories. What do you guys think?! Christen at Letterhappy made a great pro-con list about both Snapchat and Instagram. Go take a peek.
A tweet from Morolake Akinosun pretty much confirms if you put something into the universe, it's bound to happen.
I've decided I really need to get a primer. What's your favorite one? I think I'm going to try this one for a little extra glow.
Y'all know I love me a good podcast, and I've heard great things about Snap Judgement. Have you listened?
The lovely drink in the photo above is a Sungold Zinger. Mmmmm.
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