Probably Polka Dots Recipe: Butternut Squash & Pancetta Flatbread | Probably Polka Dots

08 January 2014

Recipe: Butternut Squash & Pancetta Flatbread

Every now and every once in a blue moon...I get a wave of inspiration for cooking. If you had asked me years ago if I liked to cook, the answer would have been a resounding no. Now, though, I do kind of like it. There's something about creating a finished product that is so rewarding. 

While perusing Pinterest this weekend looking for dinner ideas, I was completely and totally uninspired. I have 342 healthy recipe pins, and not one of them made me giddy to cook. Neither did my go-to recipe blogs. Neither did my go-to food mags.  Epic fail. 

With my tired iPad fingers (you know that feeling), I gave up. So, I decided I would develop my own ding-dang healthy dinner. Watch out world. Enter the easiest, most delightful recipe ever: Butternut Squash & Pancetta Flatbread. 


For Squash:
1 small butternut squash
1 tsp olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
1 tsp agave
1 tbsp butter

For Flatbread (makes 2):
2 Flatout Thin Crust Flatbreads 
1 package of pancetta
1 onion caramelized
1 round of mozzarella
2 tbsp of crumbled goat cheese
2 tbsp shredded parmesan 
2 handfuls of arugula 
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp balsamic vinegar 


Preheat oven to 425 degrees. 

Slice butternut squash in half length-wise. Scoop out seeds & "guts" with a spoon and discard. Rub olive oil over the cut side of the squash & season with salt & pepper to taste. Place cut side up on a baking sheet and bake for 50 minutes or until golden & soft. 

While the squash bakes, slice your onions into thin slices. Next, cook the pancetta over medium heat. Once done, place it on a paper towel to absorb some of the oil. Leave the remaining oil for your caramelized onions. Turn the heat down to low and add the onions to the pan. Turn occasionally at first and then less often. Allow them to brown and get a little mushy. So yummy. This process could take anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes, but that's okay because we're still waiting for that squash.

Once the squash is done, carefully cube it and add the cubes to a food processor. Add your agave & butter and puree. Turn the oven down to 350 for the flatbreads & pre-bake them according to package directions (4 minutes tops).

Now, prep your flatbreads! Add your squash puree as the pizza sauce then build away. Add the cheese & onions and toss them back into the oven for 3-4 minutes or until the cheese bubbles. While the cheese is melting, make a quick balsamic & olive oil dressing by whisking the two ingredients together. Add your arugula (I added a splash of fresh lemon juice).

When your flatbreads are all melty and looking delicious, take them out of the oven, Top with the pancetta & arugula salad & serve!

I ended up with a ton of left over puree and a bit of pancetta, so I modified this recipe for sweet potato soup by adding the rest of it there. The flavors marry well together, and it was perfect of this ridiculous weather we've had! See how pretty it is? Wintery love.

Don't forget to enter the Judith March Giveaway going on this week!
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