26 January 2015

Mason Jar Valentines

These easy DIY mason jar valentines are a great way to show your appreciation for friends or coworkers. Hontestly, once you've gathered the materials, they take approximately two minutes to make. Love that! 

Over the past few days, I've had so much fun developing cute valentines with the help of finds at World Market. I stumbled upon these mason jar cookie cutters for a steal. Add a cute gift tag with things you already have around the house, and you can gift these for less than $1. 

You will need:

- gift tag

To create:

Print or write your gift message on the tag. I love the idea of gifting these to friends, so I chose "You're an a-mason friend!" Next, punch a small hole in the upper corner and loop your baker's twine through. Tie the tag to the cookie cuter with a simple bow. Then gift away!  

If you liked these valentines, be sure to check out my peach themed ones, too. 


  1. These are so cute! I might have to make this for my coworkers for Valentine's Day! :)

    ~ Joanie

    1. Thanks, lady! I can think of a million ways you can use them. They'd be great for shower favors, too :)

  2. Mason jar cookie cutters?! Get out! Next stop: World Market :)

    --Kelly & Meg
    Peachtree Roadies

    1. Right?! They're in a huge barrel, so of course I had to take others home with me, too!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Tiffany!! Cute and easy are the best gifts.
